BIVBlog #45: “Hello, World” for Microcontrollers

We finally take a look at the source code for the microcontrollers we used to make our LEDs blink. While they are decidedly longer than the “normal” textbook style “hello, world” programs, they aren’t really rocket science either.

And with three different such programs for three different microcontroller families it also becomes pretty obvious what’s specific to the particular architecture and what’s in the very nature of microcontrollers in general.

Table of Contents

00:01:15 Makefile refactoring
00:03:35 The archetypical “Hello, world” program
00:04:15 The microcontroller equivalents of “Hello, world”
00:04:30 Controlling the number of blinks from the Makefile or command line
00:05:25 The standard (or not so standard) header files
00:06:25 The AVR/MSP430 header file magic explained
00:07:50 Doing—primitive—busy waits on microcontrollers
00:11:35 Configuration words, fuses, and runtime configurables
00:14:40 Configuring GPIO pins as output, and essential C bitwise arithmetic
00:19:15 The blinking loop, and outputting to GPIO pins


bivblog45-annotated-sources-20161112-190921.tar.gz: The annotated sources from the video.


Long term IPv6 evangelist/book author/trainer/consultant and generic Unix guy (*BSD, Linux, Solaris, and about a dozen more).

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